The Damage of Life

“He has caused the arrows of his quiver to enter into my heart.” Lamentations 3:1

My birthday week.   Lots of stuff coming out.   All of these are different and yet all seem appropriate in capturing the range of emotions flowing through me.  My counselor calls them emotional storms.  She says that you just need to picture finding something solid to hang onto.  I picture Captain Dan in Forrest Gump when he lashes himself to the ship’s mast during the raging hurricane and dares God to take him.      Well I’m not daring God to do anything. I think the world with all of its tragedy, acts of nature, and human and mechanical failures is more than capable of kicking anyone’s butt.  Anyone who thinks they’re bigger than cancer, a heart attack, a mack truck, a tornado, a bomb, a tsunami or a fire… well just hang on –  there will be something in this life that will humble you, will humble us all.  Even the mightiest and richest amongst us.   So what mast have we strapped ourselves onto?   A big bank account?  Another person?  Our career?