This powerful work was created by Annette Guyer Johnson who died tragically on October 11, 2014. The project began as her own healing journey 15 months after she pulled up in her driveway to find her husband, Jim, dead from a self-inflicted gunshot wound on October 14, 2011. It was almost finished in just 21 months.

As her sister, I feel compelled to make this body of work available to a hurting world. As she was creating, I was her assister (a-sister :). I’m passionate about the truths communicated here which have given me much personal healing. We have all experienced struggle in our lives: physical, emotional or life altering changes. My hope is that you will find healing and comfort through this project. May all our hearts be enlarged to be able to acknowledge our own and each other’s pain – to demonstrate compassion, empathy and love for our fellow humans. Humanity needs healing. We need each other.

The heart of my sister is important to be heard, so I am publishing this ’as is’ – unedited! These are photos of 48, mostly 3 dimensional art pieces; some with her personal stories or her poetry. Some have no text but you may relate to the artwork and have your own story. The art may trigger intense emotion. Be sure you have a counselor or friend to talk through your feelings with. There is hope! We can find healing and freedom as we acknowledge and uncover the brokenness and sorrow in our lives.

She didn’t create this to be viewed, but after seeing its impact on others, she realized it was meant to be shared. Her focus shifted from dealing with her personal pain to embracing our corporate pain … to bring hope and comfort through healing and redemption. Just know you are loved and not alone. Life’s journey is to be shared.

She contemplated: “Anyone who departs this earth, either willingly or unwillingly, always leaves a piece of themselves behind. Sometimes their essence is retained via photographs and memories held dear by those who loved them, or in the case of creative types they leave behind a tangible piece of themselves in the form of their work, their music or their writing. In Jim’s case, a screenplay he had worked on for nine years prior to his death came to fruition and was shown at film festivals almost exactly two years to the month after he died.” Robin Williams died 8/11/14, exactly 2 months before Annette. Joan Rivers died 9/4/14, the month before Annette. The deaths of these creative types and the work they left behind were very impactful to her.

This Heart’s Encounter project is the tangible piece of herself left for us!

“For the LORD sees not as man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance,

but the LORD looks on the heart.” – 1 Samuel 16:7

The following painting and poem were Annette’s last creation: the HEART of this project.

Vast Mosaic Heart

(4×5 ft. mixed media)

If I could see into your heart

How life has torn it all apart

The jagged pieces sharp and shattered

Would I care or would it matter?

If you could see the root of fear

That hides beneath my smooth veneer

The broken child in brave disguise

Would you still want to criticize?

If we all could see beneath the skin

The scars inflicted deep within

Would we all be so quick to judge,

Assume the worst or hold a grudge?

Each human walking on this earth

Has hidden beauty, hidden worth

Yet unaware we pass them by

So blind and deaf to each soul’s cry

Please give us eyes so we can see

The hearts that ache to be set free

Please give us grace to share a song,

To bind a wound, to right a wrong.

Please help us hear the higher call

And learn to see God’s face in all

And know that each has their own part

In Creation’s Vast Mosaic Heart